
Media is not playing its required and desired role in Pakistan Media is not practical. It is partial and biased

          Merits of Media in Pakistan

It is a source of Information

It keeps check on government's policies Media points out problems and their solutions

Media improves knowledge of current affairs Connects us to the whole world

Media discloses shortcomings of administration It promotes norms and values of democracy

Media is a hindrance in the way of nepotism, feudalism and dictatorship

It promotes culture

           Demerits of Media in Pakistan

Media is not impartial

Pakistani media jumps to conclusions quickly Media spreads sensationalism

It exploits poor masses

Media is glamorizing terrorism in Pakistan Sometimes, it discloses secretes of state.

There is lack of research before reporting


Media needs to become patriotic and impartial in Pakistan

Authenticity and objectivity of the news should not be compromised.

There is a dire need to promote true features of products in advertisement

It is the duty of media to abide by PEMRA rules

Media should not give coverage to terrorist ideology It is desirable never to compromise on secrets of state



There is no denying the fact that the role of media is controversial in Pakistan Media is not playing its required and desired role in the country Media is expected to follow a certain code of ethics Unfortunately, in Pakistan, the situation is reverse Media is not practical and impartial It is biased and intrudes into people's personal affairs A few of the news channels support government blindly On the contrary. some of the news channels unduly criticize the government. Same is the case with different newspapers having appreciable number of readers 'It is quite annoying that media in Pakistan spreads sensationalism Every piece of news has become breaking news in the country Authenticity and accuracy of the news is compromised for the sake of rating Sometimes, the role of media is praiseworthy in highlighting the issues which need immediate attention of the government Media also throws hight on corruption bribery, nepotism, despotism aristocracy and perjury in society. Such steps have proved fruitful in most of the cases Though media becomes voice of voiceless yet there is lot to be done in this regard. It is considered fourth pillar of state Media is not only for communication it can teach, guide and advise people to bring everlasting change in the country Media acts like a watchdog in developed countries of the world It acts like a critic in society by critically analysing governmental policies Perhaps, media in Pakistan is undergoing a learning stage. It can play logical, rational and impartial role in the social, political, economic and moral uplift of the masses. Government needs to make it sure that media follows ethics of journalism. Only then, media can protect the rights of suppressed and downtrodden.

Though role of media is not up to the mark, yet it has some ments. Twenty- first century is the age of knowledge and information Media is one of the major sources of information in the world. Media in Pakistan also keeps people aware of day to day happenings in the world. People come to know about a particular incident through media. They are also informed about ups and downs in the life of different countries. Credit goes to media that a piece of information spreads like a wild fire Media also informs people about state policies As a result, people are able to decide objectively whether governmental policies are in their favour or not Certain businessmen, lawyers, teachers and writers also get valuable information from media houses. Hence, it can be said that people know what is happening in their surroundings because of media.

Moreover, media points out various problems the country is faced with In past, many issues were not highlighted because media was not active. Nowadays, various newspapers and TV channels throw light on the miseries which people are confronting in daily life. Many a time, administrators take stern action against discrepancies which media reveals People come out of their houses to protest, when there is power failure in the country. Stakeholders are forced to address people's concerns due to positive role of media Sometimes, media channels hold debates to find out real solutions of persistent issues in society.

Similarly, media promotes norms and values of democracy in the country Previously, it was much easier for dictators to impose martial laws. There was no freedom of speech and expression in dictatorial regimes. Currently, it is not that much casier to derail democracy in Pakistan Political leaders become aware of every conspiracy against democracy Media also plays a vital role in maintaining civil- military balance in the country Media brings to light any kind of rigging during election. It also guides politicians to bring electoral reforms in the country. Such steps are strengthening democratic forces in the land of resilient

Meanwhile, media educates masses on several issues People come to know what is good or bad for them through media. Suddenly, certain diseases break out in different parts of the world Media teaches people how to remain safe from such fatal diseases. Different precautionary measures are discussed for prevention from these diseases. Someone has rightly said. "Prevention is better than cure." Media also promotes manners and values to upgrade standards of living

Likewise, media keeps check on governmental policies. It is true that every government has its own agenda. There is no continuity in governmental policies in Pakistan A government supports privatization. While other discourages it as it is not in national interest People come to know about the intentions of policy makers through this platform, Media also unveils corruption scandals to save public money from going astray. So, it can be opined that vibrant role of media forces policy makers to formulate policies in the favour of nation

In addition to this, media entertains people. People feel tired after working daily in this world of strife and struggle. They need amusement and entertainment at home. Media is there to help them get rid of frustration and depression. Media broadcasts many comedy shows. Different actors perform in these programmes. They make people laugh through their wit and humour Someone has said, "Laughter adds colour to life." In this way, media helps people in conquest of happiness through entertainment.

Last but not least, media is the torch bearer of Pakistant culture. It gives coverage to various cultural events People of different regions of the country are introduced with one another's cultures. People of Punjab come to know about importance of "Topy' and 'Ajral. in Sindhi culture. They also understand what kind of dishes their country fellows want to have. In the same way, a person sitting in Sindh is informed that Attan' is a traditional dance which is the soul of Pashton culture It is media which highlights specific culture of brave Baloch of Pakistan People are told what are the likes and dislikes of great Baloch. So, it can be said that media ensures cultural harmony in the land of Quaid.

Everything has pros and cons in the world Similarly, media has a few demerits as well. It would not be wrong to say that Pakistam media is not impartial Media does not act as a solicitor but it tends to become a stakeholder to the case Geo and ARY news channels are glaring examples in this regard. During, Imran Khan's sit-in in Islamabad, the Geo news blatantly supported government of Pakistan It crossed all the limits of sanity in criticizing Imran's stance. Contrary to this, the ARY news completely favoured Imran Khan's views Even a lay man could understand that both channels were at fault They were involved in vellow journalism. Both the channels maligned impartial role of media which can do wonders in the world

Pakistani media jumps to the conclusions quickly. No one can deny the fact that it is compulsory to check the correctness of news before reporting it A person's image and respect are very important in life. Someone says that self respect lost once cannot be regained. But media in Pakistan never hesitates in starting trial of a person It declares him a traitor in one case. The same media makes a person hero in the blinking of an eye It seems that media lacks rationality Emotions devoid of rationality can bring chaos and anarchy in society.

Besides it, media in Pakistan exploits poor people Media depicts clite lifestyle in different commercials It advertises costly products which poor people cannot afford to buy Children force their parents to buy them such products. Parents do not have the capacity to purchase what their children wish It gives rise to frustration Many white collar snobs purchase unnecessary items which disturb their budget In this way, media creates problems for the people Apart from it. media spreads sensationalism and immorality in Pakistan Every news channel is running behind the news. No one cares about the consequences of a particular piece of news. Every news channel tries to win over the other. As a result, they broadcast manipulated news to grab the attention of audience at the cost of merit Actors in different dramas wear vulgar dresses. They follow western culture which is spreading vulgarity. Even stories of different dramas carry vulgar themes which badly affect thinking of young generation. They often violate PEMRA Rules which is highly objectionable.

Media is glamorizing terrorism in Pakistan. Many terrorists are allowed to represent their point of view before public. They are contacted telephonically to disclose the reason of a particular bomb blast Media reports the statements of terrorist's spokesperson like Shahid-ullah Shahid They launch their videos on air with attractive guns and rocket launchers So, such a show off of different weapons can detract young generation They may idealize terrorists and finally fall a prey to their heinous acts There is no doubt that there should be freedom of speech. It is well said that freedom of speech should have limitations.

Lastly, media also discloses secretes of state Everyone has a right to get information This right is exercised to discuss sensitive matters. Few media channels get excess to classified data and hold discussion publicly In some of the cases, reporter reports a particular policy decision before its official announcement. It is against the principal objectives of journalism Such an approach causes an irreparable loss to the state.

The abovementioned demerits can be addressed through pragmatic steps and sincerity Media should be patriotic and impartial. An impartial media can analyse facts critically. It can report them in a perfect manner. Only rational approach brings progress and prosperity in the country The current situation of the country demands neutral media anchors and their owner Impartial role of media is necessary for the socio-economic development of Pakistan. This approach can strengthen the roots of democracy and justice in the country.

Correctness, objectivity and authenticity of the news make it perfect. Civilized nations do not take things for granted. A civilized media makes it sure before reporting whether a piece of news is true or not In this way, facts can be brought before public and leaders are able to take practical steps to overcome correctly reported issues. Government can keep an eye on channels which compromise on the correctness of news. This attitude can help root out yellow journalism.

In the same way, media should not feel shy off reporting harsh realities of life before masses. Advertisement can be done in a practical way. Only those features are to be advertised which different products carry. People are often deceived while purchasing the products advertised on different news channels. They regret their choices when the projects are of low quality. Thus, advertisements devoid of logic should be curtailed in order to facilitate people.

Besides that, sensationalism and immorality can be avoided through abiding by PEMRA Rules. PEMRA Rules are there but their execution has become a distant dream Civil society has an instrumental role to play here. It can persuade directors and producers to use proper dresses to maintain decency in media. Sensationalism can also be dealt with if news channels do not sacrifice ethics of journalism for the sake of money and rating PEMRA can also warn and take strict action against those channels which violate its rule and spread sensationalism in society.

Media is the fourth pillar of state. It is the responsibility of print and electronic media to be careful while selecting the content to be reported. This is Pakistan's media and it should not allow terrorists to propagate their ideology in Pakistan. The show off of lethal weapons is not desirable. The young generation should be told about books and scholars not weapons It is a reality that educated ones can change the fate of nation Pakistan needs educationists not terrorists Pakistan can win through power of pen not sword. It is said, "The pen is mightier than the sword." So, there is no need to run on air which terrorist wish to propagate in society.

Finally, media is here to protect the secrets of state not to disclose them Government can stop newspapers and TV channels from discussing secrets of the state. Media avoids doing such things in the developed world No one can be allowed to reveal intentions of government before time in Pakistan. There is a dire need to strictly punish those who are involved in this heinous crime Only then, Pakistani media can become mature and beneficial for the country.

To sum up, media has an important role to play in the modern world Media has a power to influence public opinion. It seems that Pakistani media has absolute power. It is said, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." So, this absolute power has corrupted Pakistani media. Though, it has a few advantages yet its disadvantages have created many problems in the country Media is irresponsible in Pakistan which has widened the gap between public and state. Those countries in which media plays positive role have reached the height of glory. In Pakistan, the story is opposite Most of the channels are run by influential businessmen who have their vested interests to be protected. Media owners sacrifice the interest of state and always try to grind their own axe Impartial and patriotic

role of media is a prerequisite for a brighter future of the nation. Government has an

important role to play in this regard. It is high time government took steps to curtail

negative role of media. This stance can save the country from numerous unwanted


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