PLEASURES OF READING



Indeed reading is full of pleasure which helps man remain happy and successful in life

               Supporting Arguments

Reading is a great source of information

Reading improves one's knowledge about different fields of life It enables man to differentiate between right and wrong

Reading keeps one updated about day to day happenings of life

It makes one courageous to face grim realities of life

Reading polishes one's critical sense

Man learns different lessons after reading historical books

It is reading which enriches one's ideas

Continuous reading helps one build up strong vocabulary

The first revelation of the Holy Quran starts with the word "Iqra' which means to read

People in Pakistan are backward because they are away from hooks

Muslims greatly influenced the world when they had thirst of reading



Indeed, reading is full of pleasure which helps man remain happy and successful in life. Reading entertains the reader to get rid of boredom of life. Normally, a reader has a positive approach towards different issues of life Reading calcates the art of multitasking in a reader. A good reader has a versatile approach wwards life. In fact, an avid reader can become a good writer Reading helps him become an eloquent speaker. He can express his ideas and beliefs through his newlodge which comes from reading Sir Francis Bacon once said," Reading maketh a full man; and writing an exact man." So reading is necessary to improve one's writing skills. History has witnessed great writers like, William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and Khalil Gibran All these became world renowned writers because of their love for reading In this postmodern era, people are attracted towards modern inventions and gadgets. They do not find time to read books of different authors Presently, habit of reading is not the priority of people Social media websites and modern machines cannot keep man happy for a long time As a result, people are suffering from depression and dissatisfaction. On the other hand, reading can provide them mental and spiritual solace. Different writers shure varied experiences, funny stories and eye catching words which keep readers happy So, it can be confidently asserted that pleasures of reading are countless

Moreover, reading is a great source of information There are many writers who have written books on different subjects These books carry a lot of information about different aspects of life. When one reads these books, one feels well informed about various phenomena of life. When a reader reads books on politics, he is informed what kind of politicians are there in the world. In the same way, when a person reads magazines and newspapers, he gets valuable information about different countries of the world.

Similarly, man remains in search of knowledge from cradle to grave Knowledge plays an important role in upgrading the standard of one's life Knowledge makes man powerful. It is a light which illuminates the whole world A reader reads about different genre of knowledge like philosophy, astronomy, science and literature Such reading turns a man knowledgeable. A knowledgeable person has a better understanding of life as compared to an illiterate one Hence, reading enhances man's knowledge.

Likewise, reading enables man to differentiate between right and wing A reader is always a learner. He learns new things while reading different pieces of writing. The habit of reading sharpens his sense of observation. He does not jump conclusions immediately. He concentrates on a particular situation and then decides what to do and what not to do. Reading broadens his views about life and he city differentiates between good and evil.

Besides it, reading keeps one updated about day to day happenings of life. A reader is well aware of current situation of the world. A good reader reads articles and columns on daily basis. He also comes across a certain pieces of news on the internet and television. When a person enquires him about any particular event of present era, he is completely ready to discuss it like a scholar. A good reader is well aware of what is happening in Palestine and Kashmir. He also knows what steps the United Nations has taken for peace and harmony in the world.

In addition to it, reading makes a man courageous to face grim realities of life It is reading which makes man mature and brave. A reader has knowledge about rue and fall of different nations He knows that problem and difficulties are a part of life. He does not lose his temper when adversities knock at his door He is not an illiterate and can handle complex situations audaciously. Therefore, man becomes bold through reading.

Apart from it, reading polishes one's critical sense. Usually, a person having less reading can easily be influenced by different writers. He does not have his own opinion. It becomes his point of view what writer pleads. Contrary to this, a regular reader cannot be governed easily. He analyses a writer's point of view through numerous angles. He accepts what sounds true to his logic. He criticizes and neglects the views which are worthless. In reality, continuous reading makes him a critic.

In addition to it, man learns different lessons from reading of historical books History has always been a source of guidance to man. When man reads about different leaders of past, he learns from their mistakes. He also tries to unearth the causes of their failure and defeat. A lucky man is he who learns from other experiences. Reading provides man an opportunity to save himself from downfall by observing the lives of others. It is not beyond rationally to say that a reader is a leader. Reading of history develops leadership skills in a reader.

Reading enriches one's ideas. When one reads philosophical authors, one has unique idea about the role of state and individual in the world Great authors represent what life is and what it ought to be. They also discuss prevalent il practices in society Great authors have great minds and they intend to purge society

dfummoral activities Reading of such writer's masterpieces offers mature and practical ideas.

At the same time, continuous reading helps one build strong vocabulary. A person who reads comes into contact with new and complex words. He finds out the meaning of these words and enhances his vocabulary. These words help him express his thoughts without any hurdle. He has enough words to write even on strange topics. While a person with scanty vocabulary cannot present himself as a good writer. Such a person is always lacking in the art of oratory. So, reading should not be avoided, if one wants to have impressive stock of words in his mind.

Besides it, the first revelation of the Holy Quran starts with the word 'Iqra' which means "to read" Islam urges Muslims to read and write. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said," Seek knowledge though you may have to travel to China" This saying explains the importance of reading in man's life. The Muslims defeated their opponents in the battle of Badr. Such is the importance of reading that the prisoners were asked to teach Muslims how to read and write to get freedom. It is night to say that reading makes man skilful.

People in Pakistan are backward because they are away from books Habit of reading is the hallmark of a civilized nation Unfortunately, Pakistanis are away from books. They prefer to buy costly dresses and shoes rather than purchasing the books. So. Pakistanis are averse to reading. This is the reason that Pakistan lacks in research and development Even, authors of different books do not have habit of reading Consequently, nation is facing backwardness and there is dearth of creativity.

Last but not least, Muslims greatly influenced the world when they had thirst of reading Muslims spread the light of knowledge throughout the world. They loved reading and became champions of different fields of knowledge. Muslim Scientists, Jabir bin Hayan, Muhammad bin Musa Al-Khwarizmi. Bu Ali Sina, Ibn Al-Haitham and Al-Razi greatly impacted the world of knowledge They were a source of information for the west. Their books were taught in the Western universities up to 16th century When they left reading, they became laughing stones in the world.

To conclude, it can be said that reading plays an important role in man's life It is full of pleasure and lively energies Reading saves readers from monotony People come to know about their fellow beings living in different parts of the world Reading also brings man closer to nature When one reads poetry, one feels overjoyed. The function of poetry is to guide and provide pleasure Limerick poetry is also there to fill man's heart with laughter in the hours of loneliness Dramas and novels also entertain readers. The use of satire and irony creates humorous situation Humour adds charm to reader's life It is concluded that it is impossible to count pleasures of reading

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