
It is true to say that not economy but politics is a key to success in the modern world

            Supporting Arguments

Economic development of any country is impossible without political stability

Political stability brings good governance in a country

The use of natural resources is difficult in a country where political instability prevails Rule of law which attracts investors in a country, can be ensured by strong

political leadership

Equitable resource management is promoted by visionary leadership in the


Politically strong countries ensure quality education which results in robust economy

Huge population of a country can be turned into its resource through farsighted and honest politicians

Equal opportunities for all and sundry are hallmark of democratic governments in the whole world

Politics not economy protect human rights in the world

Developed countries like USA, China, Britain, Germany and Various others have reached the zenith of glory through strong political leaders not economy

Politics brings unity among people in different countries

Political leaders not economic experts formulate pro-people policies in the world

Powerful and honest leaders maintain harmony and peace in their countries Deplorable conditions of Middle East, African countries as well as Pakistan

are due to political instability not weak economy

Unstable governments result in bad governance which ultimately brings

economic downfall of the country

Natural resources of any country are worthless if it lacks in mature

politicians Therefore, it can be said beyond any doubt that not economy but politics is key to success in the world



It is true to say that not economy, but politics is a key to success in the world. Economic development of any country depends on political stability. If a country is politically strong, its economy will grow at a rapid pace Without powerful and farsighted political leadership, the dream of economic development cannot be materialized Good governance, rule of law, speedy justice and equal opportunities for all are necessary to bring economic prosperity in the world Political stability can only bring economic development. If a country is endowed with multiple natural resources, all these resources can be worthless owing to weak and inept political leadership. Therefore, it is rightly said that Pakistan is rich in natural resources but poor in their management Developed countries have progressed through their strong and farsighted leadership not economy However, many Middle Eastern and African countries are faced with manifold economic problems due to dictatorship and dishonest leaders Visionary leaders formulate long-term and conducive policies for economic boom On the other hand, people are exploited economically where there is dictatorial rule Therefore, it can be justifiably said that politics is a real key to success in the world It is high time Pakistani government took pragmatic steps to bring political stability in the country Pakistan can get its due place in the comity of nations if it succeeds in getting rid of political instability On the contrary, nation will face insurmountable challengers in the future if this trend continues in the country.

Moreover, economic development of a country is impossible without political stability Politically unstable countries cannot make efficient policies for economic advancement. Such countries face manifold hurdles in the way of socio-economic development due to inconsistent policies They cannot manage national resources efficiently Every step toward advancement fails owing to lack of consensus among leaders Dishonest leaders only secure their interests rather than people's interests. The masses face poverty, inflation and frustration where politics fails in ensuring equality, justice and unity Hence, it can be inferred that political stability is a prerequisite for economic development in the world.

Furthermore, the importance of good governance cannot be denied for boosting up economy Good governance ensures accountability and transparency in institutions. The malaise of corruption can be rooted out through efficient governmental institutions Good governance promotes meritocracy in society. Administrative institutions provide equal services to the masses. People are given freedom of speech, thought and expression through good governance. Therefore, it plays a vital role in socio economic development of society. Honest and patriotic leadership ensures good governance in the world. Hence, it is clear that not economy but politics is key to success in the world.

In addition to it, natural resources of a country have significant role in economic development Visionary leaders leave no stone unturned to tap them They strive hard to make best use of them. They bring economic prosperity through harnessing resources efficiently. Leaders address crises of countries and provide services to people to fulfil their basic needs. Leaders extend their cooperation to their neighbouring countries in order to reap the fruits of their natural resources If a country is politically weak and inefficient, she will fail in deriving optimum benefit from its natural resources. The pathetic condition of Pakistani economy is a point in case. Thus, the role of strong political leadership in harnessing natural resources is more important than economy in the world Economy of any country can go down if there is political instability in it.

Rule of law has a great significance in economic advancement of a country Chaos and anarchy spread quickly without rule of law in society. People cannot play their due role in development where they feel insecure Foreign investors also demand peaceful and conducive environment for their investment They do not invest in a country where they observe political turmoil. They do not invest their money in such countries Lack of foreign direct investment in Pakistan is the outcome of cheap Pakistani politics. While developed countries enjoy the benefits of FDI for providing healthy environment to them. Rich countries also invest their capital abroad owing to increasing tenorism and extremism in country People have become helpless and disappointed due to absence of rule of law in the country Economy cannot maintain rule of law in society Visionary leadership can only ensure rule of law in society.

Apart from it, equal distribution of resources is imperative to maintain unity. integrity and solidarity in society Unequal distribution of resources creates disharmony in a country. People do not show patriotism in a country where resources are unequally distributed Farsighted leaders are conscious of this problem. They try hard to maintain equal distribution of resources. They devise impartial mechanism of distribution. They know that unequal distribution is dangerous for unity of a country Pakistani ethnic challenges also emerged from unfair distribution of resources among provinces Military rule in the country further weakened democracy in the country Hence, it can be understood that equal distribution of resources is only possible in a country where political leaders are wise. Therefore it is proved, not economy but politics is a key to success in the world.

Similarly, rapid increase in population has become daunting task for countries to face with. The more the needs of population are, the more resources are required to fulfil these needs. Various problems emerge in society due to increasing population. However, judicious politicians can turn huge population into human resource and capital for a country China is the largest populated country in the world. It is the country of more than one billion people China is the second largest economy of the world. This credit goes to its visionary politicians not economy On the contrary, Pakistan's population is 185 million as per latest economic survey However, inefficient and corrupt leadership has made whole nation beggar Their insatiable greed for money has badly affected every institution of the country. If they work with honesty and sincerity, the country can climb the ladder of success casily Hence, it is politics not economy which a key to development in the world.

Besides that, quality education has a great significance in making society civilized Quality education is real panacea for all social evils in the world Insightful political leaders are aware of its importance They devise effective and long-term policies for promotion of quality education in their countries. They recognize that quality education is crucial for development in this competitive world. Quality education makes man aware of the difference between good and bad infuses potential into people through which they can overcome multiple challenges in life Democratic governments of the world take effective measures to impart quality education in their countries. Again, it is clear that politics leads to success in the world.

Likewise, efficient political leaders are always cautious about maintaining human rights in their countries. They take every step to protect human rights in society. They do not compromise on inalienable rights of people. If they fail to secure the rights of people, they have to face many hurdles in next election Politicians are answerable to the masses in democratic governments Constitutionally, they are protectors of human rights in country. One can observe

the world that is too difficult to violate human rights in the modern world. Politics not economy has made it possible for every Tom, Dick and Harry enjoy human rights the world. Developed countries like USA and China have reached the height of glory owing their leadership not economy. China got independence the same which Pakistan got freedom. However, the leaders of China tried hard to make their country prosperous. Their sincerity and devotion to their countries are worth praising in the world. However, Pakistani leadership failed in making the country prosperous and strong It is the outcome of their dishonesty. If they use their power for the betterment of nation, they can root out every hurdle in the way of development The leaders of developed countries have no magic but will to work for their nations. Hence, it can be said that not economy but politics is key to success.

In the same manner, politics brings unity and integrity in countries Everyone knows that in democratic set up, after some prescribed time, elections are held. Government introduces policies for the development of society They devise effective mechanism to ensure good governance in their countries. They try utmost. to address the grievances of the masses. They provide equal opportunities to all They take measures to maintain law and order in society. They protect rights of minorities, their projects promote welfare of people. It is a natural phenomenon that equality, justice and brotherhood ultimately bring unity in a nation. So, it is politics not economy which is responsible for maintaining unity and integrity in the world.

Adding more to it, politicians, not economic experts formulate policies which are beneficial for all and sundry in different countries. Independent economists always consider their own interest while making policies Economists are not answerable to the masses. In past exploitation of labour class by industrialists bears testimony to it that economists always plundered common man through their policies. However, people are free from exploitation where political structure is strong In USA, no money bill is passed unless it gets approved form people's representatives. So, it seems obvious that not economy but politics is key to success in the world

In the same way, deplorable condition of Middle Eastern countries including. Iraq, Syria and Lebanon are due to political instability These countries are blessed with unlimited indigenous resources. Continuous dictatorial rule in these countries has destroyed peace in these countries The condition of African countries like Sudan, Libya and Nigeria can be rightly pointed out in this regard. Thousands of people have lost their lives owing to political instability in these countries. These countries need strong political culture not economy to come out of persistent crises Therefore, it can be concluded with evidence that strong political system not economy ensures happiness

Last but not least, natural resources of any country are worthless unless countries have strong political system Visionary leaders formulate strong foreign policies based on welfare of the whole nation. They maintain friendly relations with their neighbours which result in huge inflow of foreign capital. Owing to huge foreign direct investment, countries tap their natural resources. The masses reap the fruits of their indigenous resources in the form of development and prosperity Pakistan is also endowed with multiple natural resources. Despite having rich resources like Thar coal, wind energy, solar and tidal energy, energy crisis is increasing day after day. The whole nation is unable to take benefit from its resources Economic crisis emerges from political instability. Without effective political system, the solution of these challenges is impossible in the country Therefore, what is needed are visionary political leaders not economy to get rid of economic hurdles in the way of development

To sum up, both economy and politics are necessary to achieve economic development and success in the world. However, the role of strong political leaders is more important than economy in climbing the mountain of success: Robust system can resolve every hurdle in the way of success and development in the world. While robust economy is ruined when political system is weak The difference between developed and developing countries is enough to understand the importance of effective political system in the world. Pakistan is also facing manifold hindrances in the way of development due to political instability. It is high time the government took pragmatic steps to bring strong political system in the country Stephen Cohen rightly said, "the lesson of history is that you can't get your economy right, if you don't get your politics right." Therefore, it is easily concluded that politics is key to success in the world.

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