

Violence is the last refuge of incompetent because a competent never falls a prey to violence easily.

            Supporting Arguments

Violence of incompetent results in chaos and anarchy

Violence is against the dignity of man

Incompetents destroy government buildings and infrastructure

Violence is the weapon of cowards

Incompetents resort to violence to achieve their nefarious designs

Violence is not a solution to any problem Taliban are incompetent because they support violence

Violence tarnishes the image of a nation Humanity is suffering due to violence of incompetent

Quaid-e-Azam was a competent leader who never supported violence

Children and women also fall a prey to incompetent's violent activities

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) always preferred peace to violence FDI goes down in a violent-hit society

Violence throws societies into darkness

Mandela, a great leader, completed his struggle peacefully

 It is rightly said that Quality of mercy is divine



Violence is the last refuge of incompetent because a competent never falls a prey to violence easily. An incompetent has weak temperament. He lacks understanding power. That's why, he turns violent on trivial issues, People suffer due to his aggressive behaviour A competent analyses every situation rationally. He faces difficulties of life courageously. A competent supports peace throughout his life. He always condemns violence A competent not only improves his life but also works for the prosperity of others. While, an incompetent is unable to comprehend that happiness achieved through violence is short-lived. He is unaware of the real hazards of violence. He always uses negative means to get his ends. An incompetent adds to the miseries of others People face lot of problems due to his acts of violence An incompetent always chooses the path of conflict. He tries to create disturbance in society to achieve his goals He cannot fulfil his negative desires in a peaceful environment. Hence, it can be said that incompetent and weak-minded ones always use force but wise apply their intellectual power to tackle any situation.

Moreover, violence of incompetent brings chaos and anarchy in a society Incompetents destroy everything which comes in their way They exploit people after creating a volatile situation. People feel terrified Everyone tries to save himself from violence Violence weakens the writ of the state in any area. People are intimidated. They run to safe places to protect themselves from destruction.

It is universally acknowledged that violence is against the dignity of man Man is a rational being. He is a social and superior animal Man is superior to other animals for his intellect. So, it is below his manly stature to react violently in every situation Men should solve their conflicts and disputes logically Negotiations are always preferable to violence Incompetents forget the importance of talks. They settle their issues only through use of force and violence.

Similarly incompetents destroy government buildings and infrastructure They bomb schools and government offices They think that they can create fear in the minds of people through their violent attacks. Government faces huge losses Incompetents do not realize that such acts are not in any one's favour. This fear is which affect economy of a country, Many people lose their lives and property short lived because people become courageous to face it In the end, peace wins and violence loses its ground.

Violence is the weapon of cowards Cowards use force to create their hegemony. They create fear but they can never win the hearts of people. While, a brave and courageous never uses violence as a tool to get people's support. He attracts people through his character and personality He wins a permanent place in the hearts of people peacefully. So, a valiant gathers people through love and a coward through violence

Likewise, incompetents resort to violence to achieve their nefarious designs Violence is the trump card of incompetents In fact, they lack competence to face ups and downs of life courageously. They are unable to materialize their dreams into reality in a peaceful way. As a result, they consider violence the only remedy to their problems. They fulfil their own desires by looting and plundering others. They take others' lives for their survival. Such acts are ridiculous.

History is evident of the fact that violence is not a solution to any problem. Violence breeds more violence. It snatches People's near and dear ones from them. Violence makes life miserable It roots out all the beauties and attraction of life No one wants to visit violent- hit areas except some welfare organizations Peace is desirable and violence is highly despicable.

In the same manner. Tailban are basically incompetent. They always use force against innocent people and government functionaries. More than 50,000 people have lost their lives in violent attacks of Taliban Many families have lost their bread winners. Thousands of mothers have to face deaths of their sons. There is an atmosphere of fear in Pakistan due to violence of terrorists.

Violence tarnishes the image of a country. No one wants to visit a violence-hit area. Life is a precious diamond. That's why, everyone wants to live in a peaceful country Violence-hit nations have no respect at international level. Most of the countries call back their diplomatic missions from volatile regions. As a result, violence hit countries remain alone in the international arena.

Furthermore, humanity has suffered a lot due to violence of incompetents. The World War I and II were the result of incompetence of world leaders. There was a massive violence. Millions of people lost their lives Currently, many countries are in the clutches of violent activities of incompetents in Africa and Middle Ea Incompetent organizations like ISIS always take refuge to violence and destroy the peace of the world. Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was a competent leader. He always avoided violence. He was s true follower of constitution. He always believed in diplomacy He succeeded in making Pakistan without use of force. He always advised the Muslims to remain peaceful. Jinnah always supported peace and democratic principles in his life.

In addition, violence of incompetents spares no one Even children and women become victim of their heinous acts Incompetents consider violence their favourite hobby at their home as well. They beat their wives and children on petty issues. It shows their weak mentality. They punish their children and destroy their psyche. Such disturbed children are unable to find a reasonable place in society.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) always preferred peace to violence. He (PBUH) always stood for the rights of the weak and oppressed He (PBUH) forgave his enemies He (PBUH) pardoned the killer of his uncle. He was a great symbol of tolerance and patience. He solved different issues logically On the occasion of conquest of Makkah, He showed mercy to the worst enemies of Islam like Abu Sufyan. Incompetents should learn from his life and remain away from violence.

In the same fashion foreign investment dries due to violence of incompetents in a country Pakistan is a good example to be quoted in this regard. Foreign direct investment is less than a billion in the land of pure Investors feel shy off investing in Pakistan due to security threats Tourism industry has faced huge losses Foreigners have stopped visiting Pakistan. Every businessman invests in a peaceful area Pakistani businessmen are shifting their business abroad due to violence.

Violence throws societies into darkness People cannot live a free life in disturbed areas Violence limits individual's liberty. People cannot move freely from one place to another No innovation takes place in such situations. People live pathetic life where nothing is safe from the followers of violence.

Adding more to it, Nelson Mandela was a great leader. He protected the rights of Black in South Africa. Initially, his movement was violent. As time passed by, he realized that he could reach his destination only through peace. He was imprisoned for more than 25 years but he continued his struggle peacefully. He loved peace and equality. He was ready to sacrifice his life for his cause but avoided taking lives of others He succeeded in his aim through peace. He forgave his enemies, when he came to power.

William Shakespeare, the great dramatist said, "Quality of mercy is divine." It is moral responsibility of educated and wise to persuade incompetents to leave violent activities They can be convinced that only peace can bring real happiness. There is a dire need to educate the poor class. They are easily misguided and brainwashed by lovers of violence. Only education can enable them distinguish between night and wrong They can be taught that to err is human and to forgive is divine. Those who do not want come right path should be dealt with iron hands prosperity humanity.

In a nutshell, it can be that brave and wise never support violence. It the favourite tool incompetents. Incompetents spread hate and violence disturb the peace world. They lack sagacity to understand the importance of peace Incompetents human beings, destroy buildings and infrastructure due their selfish They commit brutal acts to rule this world. Their lust for wealth and power makes blind They have no mercy for others Common man faces huge losses due atrocities of incompetents On the contrary, competent ones always strive to peace betterment in the world. They respect humanity and work for survival on planet Competent ones take care of all who are around them They try level best facilitate their fellow beings but incompetents do have They always try to add hardships to the lives of their fellow beings through violence end, it can be said that incompetents consider violence the only key success.

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