

Literature acts like a critic to portray a true picture of life

Supporting Arguments

Literature reforms human life

Literature is a great source of critical information

It adds to man's knowledge

Literature makes man intellectually strong Literature keeps morality alive in society

Literature criticizes superstitious human behavior Literature made man a rational being

Literature entertains people Literature is full of lessons

Literature inspires man to face difficulties of life courageously One is introduced with different cultures through literature

Literature corrects serious faults in man's personality

Literature brings man closer to nature Man analyses merits and demerits of different ages through literature



Literature portrays a true picture of life. It is real expression of life. Literature throws light on every aspect of life Literature criticizes life for making it pure. This criticism is usually based on logic. The aim of this criticism is correction. Literature brings out man's faults before him. It advises man to lead a balanced life Masterpieces of literature are written by writers. The writers have keen observation of life. Writers disclose those realitics of life about which people do not bother. Similarly, literature ridicules human follies and absurdities on a positive note Human beings come to know about their shortcomings and faults. They try to get nd of weaknesses of their character and personality In this way, literature lays the foundation of a balanced society. Hence, it can be said that literature criticizes life to give it perfection.

Literature reforms human life Literature tells man what life is and what it should be Literature enlightens man to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. It is literature which teaches man that appearances are often deceptive Relations based on physical charm are short-lived. Literature broadens the scope of man's thinking Then, man only likes internal beauty He becomes practical in his approach towards life. As a result, man lives a refined and reformed life due to literature.

Moreover, literature is a great source of critical information. It is literature which teaches man the golden principles of life Man is introduced with different philosophies of life. He reads different approaches towards life. This information about various ways of living helps him in his life. Literature also provides him information about different places and persons. He gets variety of ideas about life.

Literature adds to man's knowledge. This knowledge is usually pure and perfect. It is already analysed. When a reader studies Greek dramas, he gets knowledge about their life style. He comes to know about their likes and dislikes He observes how Greeks dominated the world. He also comes into contact with their weaknesses and strong points. Man reaches the secret of their success through literature. Such practical knowledge plays an instrumental role in man's life.

Similarly, literature makes man intellectually strong: Man studies may writers in his life. He learns about the views of writers like Bertrand Russell and Francis Bacon. Both the writers are famous for their grip on issues of life. Bacon teaches him the ways of achieving worldly success. Bertrand Russell guides him about importance of rationality. Reader learns from experiences of such great writers. He gets intellectual excellence through their teachings.

Literature sharpens man's analytical skills Initially, writer's opinion becomes reader's point of view. The reader becomes more mature when his study of literature becomes vast. Reader starts analysing the views of different writers logically. He places writers according to their skill and knowledge. So, literature makes him a critic who can compare one writer with other.

Besides, literature keeps morality alive in society There is always stress on moral values in literature. The subject of literature is man and his life. Literature teaches man real ethics of life. There are many stories of different societies in English literature Morally strong societies made progress by leaps and bounds. People were united in such societies. Those societies which left moral values did not prosper. When man reads such stories in literature, he tries to follow real moral values in his life

Literature criticizes superstitious human behaviour It makes man a realist in life: Literature adds to the rationality of man Human beings considered fate responsible for their downfall in past. They used to think that man was a mere puppet in the hands of fate Writers like Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare criticized that attitude It was the period of renaissance. They made it clear that man himself was responsible for his failure or success. They declared that man was capable of doing anything in life

Furthermore, literature entertains people. Writers apply literary devices of humour and irony to make fun of their characters Humour and irony bring laughter on the face of reader This style of writing serves two purposes. Firstly, it corrects loopholes of certain characters. Secondly, it amuses and entertains the reader Reader feels fresh and writer gets maximum attention.

Literature is full of lessons. People come to know about success and failure of different persons in society When a reader studies Hamlet', he realizes the cause of prince Hamlet's downfall. Tragic flaw in Hamlet's character teaches reader to avoid decides that humbleness not pride leads to success. So, literature guides man by it in his real life When one reads Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, one portraying a true picture of life before him courageously. One is introduced with John Milton's Satan when one reads 'Paradise In addition, literature inspires man to face the harsh realities of life Lost One notices Satan's downfall from heaven to hell. Satan's brave speeches make a reader courageous m life Satan says, "What thou the field be lost, all is not lost; the unconquerable will and courage never to submit and yield." He further says, "It is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven." Such words of a fallen hero encourage a person to fight difficulties of life audaciously.

Man observes different cultures of various countries of the world with the help of literature. A person sitting in America can get know-how about Arabic culture through Arabic literature. He can get knowledge about-beauty and colour of diverse Arabic culture. Similarly, a Pakistani becomes aware of English culture by studying English literature. He comes to know about evolution of English culture and style of living. He is told about royal family's attachment with their norms and values.

On the same pattern, literature corrects serious faults in man's personality George Bernard Shaw was a great English writer. He dominated English literature for fifty years. He was of the view that pronunciation of Englishmen was faulty. He wrote a play 'Pygmalion on this issue. In this play, he severely criticized faulty accent of Englishmen. He asked them to improve their way of talking indirectly. So. literature brings such short comings before people for the sake of improvement.

Literature abridges the gap between man and nature Literature throws light on life of hurry and worry in 21st century It discusses that man has become a machine. He always runs behind the money. He wants to become rich overnight. He has no time for leisure making He has left his relatives for his greedy behaviour Finally, he has money but no happiness. When people read such literature, they realize their mistakes and get closer to nature.

In the same way, literature also throws light on hollowness of modern civilization. It discloses that modern man is materialistic He is heading towards destruction. There is no care and respect among people for one another Money has become the standard of determining a man's (position) worth There is less concem for knowledge Family system is about to collapse Modern man is disappointed and hopeless. Literature brings such faults to light for betterment of man.

Last but not least, man analyses merits and demerits of different ages with the guidance of literature Literature informs us that Englishmen lived a directionless Ife before renaissance Literature explains that pre-Socrates philosophers were idealistic. They showed less rationality. Socrates rationalized philosophy. It is literature that admires the glorious past of the Muslims. It also explains the causes of downfall of Muslims in the world. One cannot develop one's opinion about different ages in the absence of literature. Literature guides man to lead a flawless and well-informed life.

To conclude, it is imperative to say that literature is the best criticism of It aims to make life better. It shows both sides of picture. Literature makes man a realist Literature is the true complexion of life. It reflects what life is Literature brings all our weaknesses before us. Literature throws out all impurities of life Literature teaches man real manners of life. Literature and man have a deep relationship Literature protects man from out-dated custom and traditions. It keeps man updated in this modern world In the end, it can be summed up that life would have been dull dark and drab without literature. It is literature which has revolutionized human life by criticizing and correcting its negative aspects.

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