

It is true to say that sweet are the uses of adversity Adversity makes man wise and victorious in life

              Supporting Arguments

Adversity makes man mature and realistic in life

It reveals who are one's real foes and friends in the world

Man cannot achieve the highest goal in life without facing hardships 

Difficulties test the real meaning of man  different affairs of life

Those who try to escape confronting harsh circumstances of life, fail in materialising their dreams into reality.

Man can only find his shortcomings when he fails to get his desired goal in life.

Facing hardships in life is the way of great scientists, conquerors, philosophers and founding fathers of nations

It is aptly said in this regard," There is no pain without gain"

Freedom movement of Pakistan is replete with examples that how many

difficulties our leaders and forefathers had borne in their struggle Great goals need great sacrifices for their accomplishment

History is evident of the fact that the nations which encountered challenges courageously and optimistically reached the zenith of glory

Lazy and pessimistic people blame luck and others for their failures

 Sum and substance of the matter is that sweet are the uses of adversities, if they are dealt with courage and determination.


It is true to say that sweet are the uses of adversity. Adversity makes man bold and determined in life. Life is the sum of good and bad experiences. Those who are always ready to face difficult situations, succeed in getting whatever they desire in life Every sun rise brings new challenges for man in the world. However, what man needs is iron will and persistent efforts to get through them. When a person passes through odds in life positively, he learns various lessons which help him lead a successful and satisfied life Failures are momentary, man is required to learn from them and continue struggle until he achieves success Thomas Edison failed numerous times before inventing light bulb but he never stopped his efforts Finally, he invented it and illuminated the whole world. Adversity reveals grim realities of life to man and brings to surface his hidden abilities. It is rightly remarked in this respect, "Uneven roads make skilled drivers." Adversity is cursed by those who are lazy and cowards. Such people do not accept harsh realities and fail to overcome obstacles in life However, positive minded people learn from their mistakes and find new ways to handle them. When life offers one difficulties one can turn them into opportunities to lead a life full of happiness

Adversity makes man mature and realistic in the world. Man has to bear numerous sufferings in every walk of life to accomplish his objectives. Sufferings in life reveal man to real face of the world Adversities enhance the ability of man to encounter difficult situations in the world Man becomes patient and tolerant after experiencing bad conditions in life. Those people who try again and again to get their desired goal can only understand the real purpose of life in the world. Therefore, it is crystal clear that adversity makes man mature and realistic in the world.

Furthermore, someone nightly remarked in this regard, "Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them." One comes to know one's real friends, when one is entangled in problems Only true friends accompany man in tough days of life. Fair weather friends leave one in the lurch and odd times of life Adversity reveals real face of life before man. Man learns the art of living in hard time and adversity not in prosperity Adversity makes man bold and courageous in life. When a man passes through failures and misfortunes, he looks how people change with time. He observes that how people are greedy and selfish. On the other hand, he also finds many honest and trustworthy people who are beside him in every thick and thin. So, adversity serves as a touchstone to differentiate between real friends and foes in life.

Besides it, nothing is impossible for man in the world Man gets what he strives for However, great goals demand great sacrifices from man. A candidate cannot pass CSS examination, if he is indolent and fickle minded. He works hard to materialize his dream. He has to burn midnight oil to pass all papers in examination Apart from it, twenty first century is the age of science and modern technology Inventions of today are the result of relentless work of scientists. They had confronted numerous adversities while inventing them So, it is a fact that one has to encounter toughest time in life in order to get something great and noble in the world.

In addition to it, adversity tests the real mettle of man in the world. Nothing is constant in the world Everything changes with time Many people become frustrated when they get engulfed in problems. They leave things incomplete which destroy then life They blame external forces and luck for their failures. They run away from the bitterness of life However, courageous and hardworking ones never accept defeat in any walk of life They are determined and resolute to get what they desire They try again and again to complete their mission They never lose courage how many times they fail in searching their destiny They learn from their failures to scale the heights of success Today, man has reached moon and is planning to stay at Mars. It has become possible after man's continuous struggle against odds of life. So, it is adversity which makes man bold enough to turn every tide in his favour This maxim can be cited in this respect. "Right beneath numerous sufferings in life, lies the precious gift called success" Therefore, it can be understood from above discussion that adversity tests real mettle of man in life

Similarly, capricious and fickle minded people always try to escape difficulties of life Such people do not believe in potential of human in the world They take the things negatively They do not realize the power of man in the world. Man can change his destiny through untiring efforts Those who run away from adverse situations of life always fail in life. They deprive themselves of knowing the real philosophy of life due to laziness and pessimism. They remain oblivious to the beauty of nature Owing to this they lead lives of misery and tension But, if they fight with obstacles in life they can taste real charm of life in the world. Allah Almighty says clearly to man, "Allah helps those who helps themselves." So, it is clear that coward and lazy ones have no place in the world. Those who keep themselves away from hardship will hardly scale the mountain of success in the world.

One can know about one's weaknesses, when one fails in getting something. It is said that there are no mistakes but lessons in life. Man strives hard to overcome his problems after learning from failures. Though failures are difficult to digest in life, they are inevitable to face if one wants to mount the height of success. Those who fear failure cannot know about their short comings in life. Failure is a part of success not apart from today. What one requires today is to stand against one's failure and strive with vigour to overcome them Adversities make one aware of one's mistakes. It is up to man how he fights with difficulties Either he runs away or he tries again and again to make the failures run away from him. Those who fight against the difficulties of life reach destination no matter how much difficult it is Therefore, it manifests clearly that adversities are like teachers who make their students know about their shortcomings.

Likewise, facing hardships in life is the way of great scientists, conquerors, philosophers, founding fathers and scholars in the world Nelson Mandela, a great apartheid leader, raised voice for the rights of Black people in South Africa. He bore numerous difficulties during his struggle He had remained behind the bars for more tham twenty five years. Abdul Sattar Edhi, a noble philanthropist of Pakistan. encountered many challenges for raising funds for the welfare of humanity Today, his foundation is a home to homeless and destitute in Pakistan Fidel Castro, a Cuban leader, fought against western imperialism in Cuba He sustained innumerable threats during his struggle Finally, he succeeded in overthrowing puppet government of America in Cuba and made his people free from the yoke of despotic rulers Such people are immortal in the world Their names are written in the golden annals of history Thus, it can be proved that facing adversities in life is the legacy of great people in the world So, it is true to say that sweet are the uses of adversity.

At the same time, it is said, "There is no pain without gain." Man has to strive hard to get his necessities of life Without taking pain, nothing is possible in this era of materialism Take an example of a farmer If he desires to grow his crops for maximum yield, he has to put in extra efforts to maximize yield. He can only set maximum yield, when he gives required supplement to crops on time He has to become vigilant during period of growing crops. He has to use pesticides timely to kill the harmful weeds in crops. Finally, he reaps the fruit of his labour after taking various pains. Apart from it, every objective of the world either it is big or small requires consistent struggle and sincere wall for its accomplishment. Hence, it can be proved that without facing adversity, nothing is achievable in the world.

Freedom is priceless in the world Life of slavery is nothing but life of humiliation and servitude The creation of Pakistan is the result of multiple sacrifices rendered by our leaders during freedom movement. Thousands of people lost their lives in this great cause of freedom Quaid-e-Azam, the founding father of Pakistan, fought valiantly for getting freedom from British as well as Hindus He had worked day and night to secure a separate homeland for the Muslims of sub- continent. He confronted multiple hardships during freedom movement Services of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Allama Iqbal Ali Brothers and many other leaders for the just cause of a separate homeland for Muslims are worth mentioning in this respect If they did not face adversities, we had to live the life of slavery. Therefore, it can be proved that sweet are the uses of adversity.

History is also evident of the fact that those nations who encountered challenges courageously and optimistically reached the zenith of glory in the world Germany suffered a lot during the world war Its economy became too weak Its infrastructure had been completely destroyed However, its people strove hard and Germany rose from ashes The Germans fought valiantly and positively to re emerge from destruction Today, Germany is one of top economies of the world Japan was also destroyed in Second World War Japan was attacked by Nuclear Bombs The country reached brink of collapse in every sphere of life. However, they never accepted defeat Japanese started new journey with new spirit and zeal. They took pains to make their country prosperous and developed again They succeeded in then efforts Today, Japan is the third largest economy of world So, it can be understood that man can make the things possible from impossible, if he is bold courageous and hardworking Adversities are momentary for man in life Efforts of man determine his success and failure in the world So, outcome of sustaining adversities valiantly is a life of glory and prosperity. So, it can be said without any iota of doubt that, sweet are the uses of adversity.

One the other hand lazy and pessimistic people lose heart when they face adversity They lose courage and self confidence. They also complain to God when misfortune knocks at their door. To them adversity is a tragedy However, they fail in understanding secret behind it. They do not know that adversities are momentary Man can overthrow them through patience and preservation. If they are determined and optimistic, they move ahead to pursue their goals instead of blaming luck and others for their failures. Therefore, it is clear that adversity is beneficial for man in life but what is needed is resolute will and determination to get whatever man desires in life.

To sum up, it can be proved beyond any shadow of doubt that sweet are the uses of adversity A ship which sails smoothly in hardships, reaches the shore of success. Adversity makes man mature, realistic, courageous and bold in life Adversity teaches man lessons of life and he becomes victorious.

 Those who turn away from hurdles in life deprive themselves of tasting real charm of life. Winston Churchill make clear once "A pessimistic difficulty difficulty."

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