1.Essay means to attempt or discuss

2.Give direct answer and avoid unnecessary detail. Your language should be simple

3. Always try to express yourself in an elaborative manner

4. Your sentences should neither be too long nor too short Your arguments should be logical and rational

5. There should be connectivity and coherence in your ideas and language

              WHAT TO AVOID

1. Do not define the topic but discuss it. Use of I and WE is not allowed in essay

2. Complex sentences and slang words Unauthentic facts and figures

3. Too much idioms and phrasal verbs → Never abbreviate words (don't, can't)

4. Informal words (guy)

5. Do not mention contemporary political personalities and parties until necessary.

6. Avoid any extremist approach O Do not experiment in your essay

7. Do not use the words of which you do not know the meaning

8. Do not use headings

9. Cutting and crossing leave had impact

10. Never forget to conclude your essay Keep eye on the clock. Do not draw maps and diagrams.

11. Illegible writing. 

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