
History is evident of the fact that man comes from pains to greater pains

              Supporting Arguments

. Man invented machines but he has to take care of them Man introduced nuclear technology for progress but it proved counter-

productive He achieved a luxurious way of living but these luxuries need protection

Industrialization resulted in pollution Cell phone has widened the gap among people

Man has gone away from nature due to his worldly desires Man sacrifices a lot to achieve power

He carns a lot but there is no contentment in his life He invented arms for his protection which

proved fatal for him

Man controlled many fatal diseases but he is still facing new challenges

Man's use of pesticides becomes deadly

Man's pains increase even after marriage

Men exploited resources for their betterment which resulted in scarcity of resources



History of man is replete with continuous struggle. Man has been trying to improve his standard of living since his birth His restless nature has always inspired him to know more about the world around him Man has taken all the pains to make his life easier. He has discovered and invented a lot of things but his pains and difficulties have increased with the passage of time. He has to take lot of pains to protect his inventions Men had less money in ancient times but their life was peaceful People loved and respected one another Even wars were fought on some principles Nowadays, life has become fast but disappointment and depression have gone out of control. Men invented printing press to publish newspapers after a lot of efforts Newspapers were expected to disseminate information and impart knowledge. Some newspapers protect vested interests of particular groups. These newspapers spread rumours and propaganda Journalists intrude into personal matters of people Sometimes even state secrets are disclosed Advertisement also exploits poor masses So, man has come from pains to greater pains.

Men invented machines with the help of science. They wanted to speed up the pace of production Men wanted to reduce human labour as well These machines added to hardships of men Many manually skilled workers became jobless Machines replaced human labour but demanded human attention. These machines cannot operate without human assistance. They also require repair, lubrication and human care Many workers have lost their parts of body while working with machines Some of them have died.

Besides, men introduced nuclear technology for defence and energy purposes Men took pains to develop nuclear bomb. This very technology has become a muisance Millions of people lost their lives in American nuclear attack Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Besides, these weapons require lot of effort for their protection Currently, nine countries are nuclear powers in the world The bombs which they possess can destroy this whole world any time.

Similarly, men are greedy by nature They want to accumulate as much wealth as they can. There are many nich persons in this world They spend huge sum of money to protect their assets Ali (RA) rightly said, "Wealth is to be protected, whereas knowledge protects man." Many people are kidnapped and killed due to their wealth. Similarly, wealth is concentrated in few hands and rest of humanity is suffering for its survival.

Men established industries to make progress by leaps and bounds. Industrialization generated millions of jobs. It resulted in rapid urbanization. On the other hand, industrialization also polluted the atmosphere Smoke has played havoc with ozone layer Ozone layer protects us from harmful rays of the sun Unfortunately, it is depleting day after day which is alarming Hence, men have come from pains to greater pains.

Likewise, men worked with passion and sincerity to reduce distances Cell phone was the result of such efforts. There is no doubt that cell phone is an advantageous device It has helped us in our lives. On the other hand, it has its negative impacts as well Youth uses cell phone excessively A young one attends a call while sitting in a group Cell phone connects him with a person sitting thousands of miles away. At the same time, it takes him away from those who are closer to him Cell phone has also disturbed the family system Everyone uses Facebook and Twitter excessively Children have no time for parents and parents are also busy So, this gap is widening.

This world has no more been an easter place to survive. Men take pains to car a handsome living Everyone wants to live a luxurious life. People are running behind the money Every person wants to become rich overnight. In this way, men are going away from nature day after day they do not have time for leisure making They are spending a life of hurry and worry They are feeding their bodies not their souls Natural beauty is food for soul. The connection between soul and body is lost As a result, they are not contented and happy despite having all luxuries of life.

Moreover, men always try to get higher place in life. They face hardships in fulfilling their desires. They want to become powerful Someone has rightly said. to become prime minister He has to come up to the expectations of people which With great power comes great responsibility." A politician works day and night demand continuous work arms are brought into market after untiring research These arms are available to Men established factories to produce arms for law and order purposes New everyone. Some people purchase arms for their protection Others may have hobbies of arm collection. There are criminals also who use these weapons to get their nefarious designs They kill and injure people for some coins Thus, same arms which are produced for protection become a threat to human life. So, men come from pains to greater pains.

Furthermore, men have great achievements in the field of medicine. They succeeded in curing many fatal diseases They also controlled infant mortality rate Such advancement was the result of their dedication towards this cause. Nowadays, population of the world is increasing rapidly. Some countries have rationalized ther birth rate. Unfortunately, countries like Pakistan have failed to control overpopulation. It has further burdened the already scarce resources. The result is more suffering for men.

Men use pesticides and fertilizers to increase the yield of their crops. They pay heavy amount of money to buy these chemicals. They take pains to earn this money Pesticides do increase their crop production. Sometimes, these pesticides and fertilizers are carried away with the rain water. This poisonous rain water becomes a part of streams and rivers. Human beings face deadly diseases when they drink polluted water.

In addition, man makes his own fate. He struggles throughout his life to achieve an envious career Man marries a girl of his choice. As a result, he has more family members to be supported He takes more pains to provide them better facilities of life He sacrifices his desires for the future of his offspring Hence, it can be said that men come from pains to greater pains.

Science and technology have played an important role in human life Men have used technology to exploit natural resources. They used these resources to upgrade their living standard. Lot of mental and physical exercise was required to search and tap these resources Some countries have almost exhausted their all resources. Now, they are struggling due to scarcity of resources. So, men come from pains to greater pains.

All in all, one can say that men faced many difficulties to live a better life on this planet. They succeeded in many of their plans. They reformed their lives to a great extent. Men brought themselves from darkness to light. This modern life of 21st century is the result of their struggle They have done a lot to reduce their pains but their difficulties are not over yet. History has witnessed that men have always come from pains to greater pains.

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